


A Dispatcher in a Media to Disciple Making Movements (M2DMM) initiative connects seekers from the online conversation with a Digital Responder to a face-to-face relationship with a Multiplier.


Marketer working with content team

A Marketer is a person who is thinking through an end-to-end strategy. Their job is to develop media content and create ads to identify true seekers and potential persons of peace whom Multipliers can ultimately meet with offline.

Is Disciple.Tools really free?

hosting analogy

Disciple.Tools is free but hosting is not. The short answer is that the Disciple.Tools software is free, but it also requires hosting, which is not free and involves ongoing costs whether in money or time. This discussion can get a bit technical so an analogy might be helpful.  Imagine that the Disciple.Tools software is like

Introducing Disciple.Tools Beta


https://vimeo.com/282694282   What is Disciple.Tools? The video above is a peak into one of Kingdom.Training’s sister projects called Disciple.Tools (Beta). Disciple.Tools is a power tool designed to help Media to Disciple Making Movement (M2DMM) initiatives track the progress of their contacts as they progress from seekers to disciples to disciple-makers and church planters. It is