A Dispatcher in a Media to Disciple Making Movements (M2DMM) initiative connects seekers from the online conversation with a Digital Responder to a face-to-face relationship with a Multiplier.
A Dispatcher in a Media to Disciple Making Movements (M2DMM) initiative connects seekers from the online conversation with a Digital Responder to a face-to-face relationship with a Multiplier.
A technologist is someone who can upgrade a M2DMM system as it grows more complex such as programmers, graphic designers, videographers, data analysts, etc.
A Marketer is a person who is thinking through an end-to-end strategy. Their job is to develop media content and create ads to identify true seekers and potential persons of peace whom Multipliers can ultimately meet with offline.
A Multiplier is a follower of Jesus who wants to help other people become followers of Jesus but are able to do it in way in which those people can go on and make disciples too.
The Digital Responder responds to contacts online. They are to quickly respond, filter for true seekers and prepare them to meet offline with a Multiplier.
In the age of hacking, Russian election interference, Cambridge Analytica and other social media abuses, having a Digital Hero might hurt you more than help you.
Heavenly Economy is foundational to everything at Kingdom.Training Why does Kingdom.Training travel and do live training? Why offer hands on coaching? Why is Disciple.Tools free? Our broken world teaches that the more you get, the more you should keep. It encourages people to feel rewarded when they gain more than those around them. God’s Heavenly
Updated August 2023 to correct a more accurate and sustainable usage of the Digital Hero concept. If you have or are about to set up a digital account for a Media to Disciple Making Movements (M2DMM) we’ll teach you the following concepts: This guide is derived from a collection of experiences over the years of
Learn about the key roles that are needed to get a M2DMM strategy started. One person may wear all the hats initially, but you will want to recruit others over time.
Seekers to Multiplying Disciples Imagine Media to Disciple Making Movements (M2DMM) like a funnel that dumps masses of people into the top. The funnel filters out disinterested people. Finally, seekers who become disciples who plant churches and grow into leaders come out of the bottom of the funnel. MEDIA At the top of the funnel,