A Note on Getting Started
Media to Disciple Making Movements (M2DMM) strategy ultimately requires a collaborative team. If you are alone, do not let that hold you back. Start with what you have and with what you can do. As you begin implementing your strategy plan, ask the Lord to provide others with skills different than your own to fill the key roles below.
Steve Jobs, a man who knew a thing or two about harnessing the power of teams, once said, “Great things in business are never done by one person; they’re done by a team of people.”
Starter Roles:
These are the main roles that your M2DMM strategy will need from the start. Click on each card to learn more.
Prayer Strategist
A strategist is someone skilled in planning to find the best way to gain advantage or achieve success. Thus a ‘prayer strategist’ engages in and catalyzes prayer that both informs and flows from the team’s vision and strategy. They catalyze worship, becoming aware of gaps in reaching the vision God has entrusted to them and refining strategies to overcome gaps. You can download this Prayer Strategist job description.
Project Manager
Select a Project Manager if the Visionary Leader lacks administrative skills or works very well in tandem with those who can manage details. The project manager keeps all the moving pieces in check. They assist the Visionary Leader in forward momentum.
Finance Manager
This role will manage anything related to budgeting, payments, and funding.
Expansion Roles:
As your M2DMM system grows more complex, you may find yourself needing expansion roles. However, don’t let filling these additional roles overwhelm you or halt your forward progress. Start with what you have and work toward what you need.
Good and essential ideas for the DMM. Thanks.
OK, getting the idea. Crazy that we’ve been trying to start a DMM by visiting, talking in shopping centres and parks, without even thinking about looking for contacts online.
I don’t think you’re crazy. There hasn’t been a reported DMM started yet from online contacts. It is a both and. Those times in the shopping centres and parks will only enhance your understanding and empathy for the true felt needs of your people group. This understanding will you lead you to creating a more accurate persona thus leading to a more efficient ad spend. Media hasn’t led to a DMM yet but it has functioned as a magnet, pulling needles (genuine seekers) out from the haystack giving teams who had 0 fruit for years a taste of first fruits. We pray that media will increase the size of nets and mass seed sowing so the likelihood of finding potential persons of peace is also increased.
Pingback: Digital Responder : What is this role? What do they do?
Pingback: Marketer : A key role in Media to Disciple Making Movements strategy
Pingback: Visionary Leader : A key role in Media to Disciple Making Movements
Pingback: Dispatcher : A key role in Media to Disciple Making Movements strategy