Prioritizing Seekers: Effective Ministry Marketing in the Digital Age
The Seeker is Always First You may have heard this common phrase in business – “The Customer is always right.” It’s a great idea, but one that may be lost in this maxim. A better phrase may be, “The Customer is always first,” or better yet, “Think about the customer (seeker) first.” When you do…
Personalization Drives Engagement
People are exposed to somewhere between 4,000 and 10,000 marketing messages a day! Most of these messages are ignored. In the age of digital ministry, personalization is more important than ever. With so much noise and competition, it’s essential to find ways to stand out from the crowd and connect with your target audience on…
Cultivating Curiosity: 2 Simple Steps to Creating a Seeker-Centric Culture
“After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” Matthew 2:1-2 (NIV)
Story Templates – Your Story Matters
What’s Your Story? We praise the Lord for all He is doing in Europe! We know that you’ve got testimonies of how God is working and we want to help you get the word out!OneKingdom has designed story templates (like the one below) that are now available for you to use to share the small…
Your Brand Matters More Than You Think It Does
I remember vividly going to a conference in the early 2000’s that was simply titled, “Theology After Google.” During this riveting multi day conference, we discussed everything from the speed of dial-up and the speed of God, to the impact of Twitter (Instagram hadn’t been invented yet) on churches and ministries. One specific breakout session…
2023 MTM Global Survey Results—You Are Invited!
In this 75-minute online event, the MTM Coalition will release the results of the 2023 Global Media to Movements Survey and address the most significant challenges facing MTM practitioners today. Who should attend? Date and Time May 10 from UTC 15:00–16:15 Guest Post by Media Impact International (MII) For more content from Media Impact International, sign…
The Story of a Fourth Soil Believer
An ad asking, “Afraid of the Dajjal? Want to be mentored over WhatsApp to know how you can be saved in the end times?” was viewed thousands of times in a South Asian country. Rachid (not real name), a 23 year old gas attendant, saw the ad and was intrigued. Like many in his country,…
The 4 Pillars of Engagement
Social Media Ministry is ultimately about people. People who are hurting, frustrated, lost, confused, and in pain. People who need the good news of Jesus to help heal, direct, clarify, and give them hope in their broken lives and this broken world. The need for us to engage well with people has never been more…
Maximize Your Digital Outreach with These 10 Engagement Tactics
Have you ever been in a conversation with someone who only talks about themselves? It is annoying, off putting, and usually leads to a desire to avoid future conversations with that person. Engagement is a dialogue between your ministry and its audience. True engagement comes through connecting with people, building relationships, deepening understanding, and inspiring…
6 Characteristics of Media to Movement Initiative
What exactly is a media to movement initiative? Simply visualized, it can be described by these six characteristics. -shared by our friends at Media to Movements
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