
Fajr’s Story

Fajr* was born in the Arabian Gulf and had studied Islam since his childhood. Despite this, he was troubled by certain elements of his faith and by how some adherents

Coronavirus Bible Story Sets

These story sets were gathered by the 24:14 Network, a global community to finish the Great Commission. They cover topics of hope, fear, why things like the coronavirus happen, and where God is in the midst of it. They could be used by Marketers, Digital Responders, and Multipliers.

Digital Filterers and POPs

In most Media to Disciple Making Movement (M2DMM) efforts, the Digital Responder is the first person to begin the process of filtering for Persons of Peace (POPs) among media contacts. The following tips were gathered by a group of M2DMM practitioners in North Africa and the Middle East to train Digital Responders.