Bible Story Sets for the Coronavirus Pandemic
These story sets were gathered by the 24:14 Network, a global community to finish the Great Commission. They cover topics of hope, fear, why things like the coronavirus happen, and where God is in the midst of it. They could be used by Marketers, Digital Filterers, and Multipliers. Check out https://www.2414now.net/ for more information.
Hope During the Coronavirus Crisis
Why do things like this happen?
- Genesis 3:1-24 (Adam and Eve’s rebellion curses people and the world)
- Romans 8:18-23 (Creation itself is subjected to the curse of sin)
- Job 1:1 through 2:10 (There is an unseen drama playing out behind the scenes)
- Romans 1:18-32 (Humanity reaps the consequence of our sin)
- John 9:1-7 (God can be glorified in all situations)
What is God’s response to a broken world?
- Romans 3:10-26 (All have sinned, but Jesus can save)
- Ephesians 2:1-10 (While dead in our sin, God loves us with great love)
- Romans 5:1-21 (Death reigned since Adam, but now life reigns in Jesus)
- Isaiah 53:1-12 (Jesus’ death prophesied hundreds of years before)
- Luke 15:11-32 (God’s love pictured towards a distant son)
- Revelation 22 (God is redeeming all creation and those who trust in him)
What is our response to God in the midst of this?
- Acts 2:22-47 (God calls you to repent and be saved)
- Luke 12:13-34 (Trust in Jesus, not in earthly safety nets)
- Proverbs 1:20-33 (Hear God’s voice and respond)
- Job 38:1-41 (God is in control of all things)
- Job 42:1-6 (God is sovereign, humble yourself before him)
- Psalm 23, Proverbs 3:5-6 (God lovingly guides you – trust in Him)
- Psalm 91, Romans 14:7-8 (Trust God with your life and your eternal future)
- Psalm 16 (God is your refuge and your joy)
- Philippians 4:4-9 (Pray with a thankful heart, and experience God’s peace)
What is our response to people in the midst of this?
- Philippians 2:1-11 (Treat one another as Jesus treated you)
- Romans 12:1-21 (Love one another as Jesus has loved us)
- 1 John 3:11-18 (Love one another sacrificially)
- Galatians 6:1-10 (Do good to all)
- Matthew 28:16-20 (Share the hope of Jesus with everyone)
Seven Stories of Hope
- Luke 19:1-10 (Jesus comes into a home)
- Mark 2:13-17 (Party at Levi’s house)
- Luke 18:9-14 (Who God listens to)
- Mark 5:1-20 (The ultimate quarantine)
- Matthew 9:18-26 (When social distance does not apply)
- Luke 17:11-19 (Remember to say ‘thank you!’)
- John 4:1-42 (Hungry for God)
Six Stories of Victory Over Fear
- 1 John 4:13-18 (Perfect love casts out fear)
- Isaiah 43:1-7 (Do not fear)
- Romans 8:22-28 (All things work for good)
- Deuteronomy 31:1-8 (I will never leave you)
- Psalm 91:1-8 (He is our refuge)
- Psalm 91:8-16 (He will rescue and protect)