An ad asking, “Afraid of the Dajjal? Want to be mentored over WhatsApp to know how you can be saved in the end times?” was viewed thousands of times in a South Asian country. Rachid (not real name), a 23 year old gas attendant, saw the ad and was intrigued. Like many in his country, he feared the Dajjil, or “Deceiver” in Arabic, as the false messianic figure who will reign 40 days or years and be destroyed by the mahdi (“rightly guided one”) or Christ (or both) so the world will submit to God, according to Islamic eschatology.
He began dialoging with the Digital Filterer and continued to stay engaged in spiritual conversations. The conversation moved to WhatsApp, where he began to understand salvation through the discovery of scriptures from the Torah and the Gospels. Rachid was asked to put his faith in Jesus, which he did joyfully! He began to meet with a local MBB disciple maker for discipleship and was baptized!
Rachid continues to grow in his faith, inviting others in his community to contact him through his personal Facebook page if they want to receive delieverance from possession or mental illness. He is now overseeing fourth generational fruit of ten discovery groups with three to seven people each, including at least one believer and many seekers.
Praise God for Rachid, a “Fourth Soil” believer!
(The image displayed is not the actual photo of the believer)
Guest Post by Media Impact International (MII)
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