Setup Demo Account


Note: For best results, keep this Kingdom.Training course and Disciple.Tools both open in two different tabs. Follow the course steps in order. Read and complete the step before moving on to the next step.

1. Go to Disciple.Tools

Open the website by visiting, After the site loads, click the “demo” button.

This is a screen shot from Disciple.Tools

2. Create an account

Create a username that will distinguish you from other teammates and add the email address you will use for this account. Leave the option selected as “Gimme a site!” and click “Next.”

3. Create Site Domain and Site Title

The Site Domain will be your url (e.g. and the Site Title is the name of your site, which can be the same as the domain or different (e.g. Media to Movements). When finished, click “Create Site.”

4. Activate Your Account

Go to your email client that you associated with this account. You should receive an email from Disciple.Tools. Click to open the email.

In the body of the email, it will ask you to click on a link to activate your new account.

This link will open a window with your username and password. Copy your password. Open your new site by clicking on “Log in.”

5. Log In

Type your username and paste your password. Click “Log In”. Be sure to bookmark your url (e.g. and securely save your password.

6. Add the demo content.

Click “Install Sample Content”

Note: All names, locations, and details in this demo data are completely fake. Any likeness in whatever manner is coincidental.

7. Arrive to the Contacts List Page

This is the Contacts List Page. You will be able to view all the contacts that have been assigned to you or shared with you here. We will interact with this more in the next unit.

8. Edit Your Profile Settings

  • Click “Settings” by first clicking the gears icon  in the upper right-hand corner of the window
  • In the Your Profile section, click “Edit”
  • Add your name or initials.
  • Scroll down and click “Save”
  • Return to the Contacts List Page by clicking “Contacts”